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3 golden objects Minnesota Legislature

Office of the Legislative Auditor

Legislative Audit Commission


April 5, 2019

Members Present:

Members Present: Members Absent:
Representative Connie Bernardy    Representative Tina Liebling
Representative Sondra Erickson Senator Matt D. Klein
Representative Rick Hansen  
Representative Nels Pierson  
Representative Duane Quam  
Senator Michelle Benson  
Senator Nick A. Frentz  
Senator Mary Kiffmeyer  
Senator Mark W. Koran  
Senator Ann H. Rest  


Representative Hansen, Chair, called the Legislative Audit Commission (LAC) meeting to order at 9:32 a.m.  The purpose of the meeting was to approve the evaluation topics selected by the Evaluation Subcommittee for review by the Office of the Legislative Auditor (OLA).

Representative Hansen asked Judy Randall, Deputy Legislative Auditor, to provide a brief recap of the economic development topic the Evaluation Subcommittee had chosen.  Ms. Randall explained that OLA is required to provide three to five economic development incentive topics each year, and the subcommittee had chosen the Data Center Sales Tax Incentive.  She said that OLA had some housekeeping language moving through the session that would eliminate this requirement.  In response, there was discussion in favor of this change. 

Representative Bernardy motioned that the Data Center Sales Tax Incentive be the economic development topic unless legislation passes to repeal the requirement; the motion prevailed.

Representative Bernardy moved to adopt the list of evaluation topics recommended by the subcommittee, which were (1) Minnesota Department of Human Rights, (2) Personal Care Assistance, (3) Pesticide Regulation, (4) Public Utilities Commission’s Public Engagement Processes, and (5) Safety in State Correctional Facilities.  After some discussion about the topics, the motion prevailed.

The meeting moved to a discussion about which topic should be chosen as a backup to the economic development incentive topic if the language to complete an evaluation on such a topic each year is repealed.  Hearing a push for the Compensatory Education Revenue topic, Representative Bernardy moved for it to be the evaluation topic instead of Data Center Sales Tax Incentive, should the law be changed; the motion prevailed.

Representative Hansen asked if the meeting materials were online.  Ms. Randall said that all items were posted online the day before, except for the survey results since late responses had been received that morning.  She added that the survey results were online as of the start of the LAC meeting.  She went on to explain that OLA holds itself to the executive branch standards for accessibility and that it takes accessibility seriously.  She said that OLA reports are on highly technical issues and they try to explain the issues as simply as possible.

Senator Rest said that she has seen many bills that insert language that requires OLA to do work that should be chosen through the established LAC process instead.  She reminded them that they each have a responsibility as LAC members to look at bills carefully and not let that happen.  In response to her comments, Representative Hansen suggested that OLA create an e-mail distribution about upcoming legislation or hearings that affect OLA, and Jim Nobles, Legislative Auditor, agreed to do so.

With no further business, Representative Hansen adjourned the meeting at 10:17 a.m.

Representative Rick Hansen, Chair

Shelly Gilb, Recording Secretary



Office of the Legislative Auditor, Room 140, 658 Cedar St., St. Paul, MN 55155 : or 651‑296‑4708