Public Release Date: February 20, 1998 | No. 98-07 |
The Department of Administration provides a variety of business management and administrative services to state and local government agencies. Its major programmatic areas include the InterTechnologies Group, the Operations Management Bureau, the Facilities Management Bureau, and the Technology Management Bureau. The department's funding sources include user fees, legislative appropriations, gifts, and federal grants. Ms. Elaine Hansen serves as the commissioner of the department.
Our audit scope was limited to those activities material to the state of Minnesota's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 1997.
Our scope included InterTechnologies Group revenues, professional and technical services, computer and system services, network services, and fixed assets. It also included Central Stores sales revenue and cost of goods sold, PrintComm fee revenue, Risk Management insurance revenue, Central Motor Pool vehicle rental revenue and fixed assets, Plant Management lease revenue, electric power expenses and transfers, and selected Building Construction project expenditures.
In all cases, we concluded that the amounts reported in the state's financial statements are fairly stated. We noted no matters in our report relating to internal control or compliance.