The Legislative Audit Commission (LAC) is a bi-partisan commission with 6 members from the House of Representatives and 6 from the Senate, equally divided between the majority and minority parties. Membership is governed by Minnesota Statutes 2024, 3.97, subd. 2. The commission appoints the Legislative Auditor and selects topics for the Program Evaluation Division to review. It also periodically holds hearings to review audit and evaluation reports. The commission chair rotates every two years between the House and the Senate.
Representative Rick Hansen - Chair 407 State Office Building (651-296-6828)
Senator Mark W. Koran - Vice Chair 2203 Minnesota Senate Building (651-296-5419)
Representative Patti Anderson 387 State Office Building (651-296-3018)
Representative Emma Greenman 433 State Office Building (651-296-4200)
Representative Rick Hansen 407 State Office Building (651-296-6828)
Representative Steven Jacob 389 State Office Building (651-296-2273)
Representative Fue Lee 485 State Office Building (651-296-4262)
Representative Duane Quam 247 State Office Building (651-296-9236)
Senator Calvin K. Bahr 2415 Minnesota Senate Building (651-296-3219)
Senator D. Scott Dibble 3107 Minnesota Senate Building (651-296-4191)
Senator Steve Drazkowski 2411 Minnesota Senate Building (651-296-5612)
Senator Mark W. Koran 2203 Minnesota Senate Building (651-296-5419)
Senator Ann H. Rest 328 Capitol (651-296-2889)
Senator Tou Xiong 3203 Minnesota Senate Building (651-296-6820)
Senator Mark W. Koran - Chair 2203 Minnesota Senate Building (651-296-5419)
Representative Rick Hansen 407 State Office Building (651-296-6828)
Representative Duane Quam 247 State Office Building (651-296-9236)
Senator Tou Xiong 3203 Minnesota Senate Building (651-296-6820)
Representative Patti Anderson - Chair 387 State Office Building (651-296-3018)
Senator Steve Drazkowski 2411 Minnesota Senate Building (651-296-5612)
Representative Steven Jacob 389 State Office Building (651-296-2273)
Representative Fue Lee 485 State Office Building (651-296-4262)
Senator Ann H. Rest 328 Capitol (651-296-2889)
Representative Emma Greenman - Chair 433 State Office Building (651-296-4200)
Senator Calvin K. Bahr 2415 Minnesota Senate Building (651-296-3219)
Senator D. Scott Dibble 3107 Minnesota Senate Building (651-296-4191)
Representative Rick Hansen 407 State Office Building (651-296-6828)
Senator Mark W. Koran 2203 Minnesota Senate Building (651-296-5419)
Representative Duane Quam 247 State Office Building (651-296-9236)
Representative Rick Hansen (2023- )
Senator Mark W. Koran (2021-2022)
Representative Rick Hansen (2019-2020)
Senator Mary Kiffmeyer (2017-2018)
Representative Sondra Erickson (2015-2016)
Senator Roger J. Reinert (2013-2014)
Representative Michael Beard (2011-2012)
Senator Ann H. Rest (2009-2010)
Representative Rick Hansen (2007-2008)
Senator Ann H. Rest (2005-2006)
Representative Tim Wilkin (2003-2004)
Senator Ann H. Rest (2001-2002)
Representative Dan McElroy (1999-2000)
Senator Deanna Wiener (1997-1998)
Representative Ann H. Rest (1995-1996)
Senator Phil Riveness (1993-1994)
Representative Ann H. Rest (1991-1992)
Senator John Brandl (1989-1990)
Representative Phil Riveness (1987-1988)
Senator Randolph Peterson (1985-1986)
Representative Dick Welsh (1983-1984)
Senator Don Moe (1981-1982)
Representative Don Moe (1979-1980)
Senator William McCutcheon (1977-1978)
Representative Fred Norton (1975-1976)
Senator Edward Gearty (1973-1974)
Here are the minutes from commission meetings.