Ridgewater College operated within available resources and complied with applicable legal provisions and management's authorization. The college completed reconciliations to ensure that it accurately recorded its financial activities in the accounting records. The college's internal controls provided reasonable assurance that it adequately safeguarded state treasury and local bank account financial activities and complied with applicable legal provisions and management's authorization. The college's internal controls provided reasonable assurance that it properly authorized and accurately recorded employee payroll expenditures and bookstore revenues and expenses in the accounting records.
The college resolved most of the issues discussed in the previous audit report. However, the college could improve its operations in several areas.
Key Findings:
Ridgewater College is a part of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system. This audit report presents the conclusions of our audit of the college's tuition and fees, payroll, administrative expenditures, state grants, and the bookstore for the period July 1, 2000, through June 30, 2003. The college's response is included in this report.