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3 golden objects Minnesota Legislature

Office of the Legislative Auditor - Financial Audit Division

Report Summary

Management Letter

Department of Administration

Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003

Current Finding and Recommendation:

  • The Department of Administration did not adequately secure some libraries that house critical state agency computer. We recommend that the department limit access to computer program libraries to only those people who need such clearance to fulfill their job duties.

Management letters address internal control weaknesses and noncompliance issues found during our annual audit of the state’s financial statements and federally funded programs. The scope of work in individual agencies is limited. During the fiscal year 2003 audit, our work at the Department of Administration focused on activities that were material to the State of Minnesota’s basic financial statements. We also performed certain audit procedures on selected computer security controls in the Department of Administration’s Intertechnologies Group.

Office of the Legislative Auditor, Room 140, 658 Cedar St., St. Paul, MN 55155 : or 651‑296‑4708