- The Minnesota Board of Marriage and Family Therapy needs to strengthen
its independent review of receipt and disbursement transactions and further
restrict access to its business systems. However, we did not identify any
erroneous or improper financial activities during our audit.
- The board complied with legal provisions for the items tested.
The report contained one finding relating to internal
control. The office resolved the one finding included in our
prior audit report. |
| Audit Scope:
Audit Period:
July 1, 2000, through June 30, 2003
Programs Audited:
- Licensing and Fee Receipts
- Payroll Expenditures
- Administrative Expenditures
Agency Background:
The Board of Marriage and Family Therapy regulates the licensing of professional
marriage and family therapists engaged in practice in the state of Minnesota.
In fiscal year 2003, the board collected approximately $156,000 and incurred
$141,000 in both direct and indirect costs. During that time, the board issued
about 950 license renewals, including 150 associate renewals.