The Department of Health generally complied with and had controls to ensure compliance with provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants applicable to the major federal programs we audited for fiscal year 2007. However, the department had the following weaknesses:
Audit Findings:
- The department did not adequately oversee compliance with federal and state requirements for documenting time charged to federal programs.
- The department did not monitor subrecipient activity, as required by federal regulations.
Audit Scope:
Programs material to the State of Minnesota’s federal program compliance for fiscal year 2007:
- Special Nutrition Program: Women, Infants and Children (WIC) (CFDA 10.557)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Investigations and Technical Assistance (CFDA 93.283)
- Childhood Immunization Grants
(CFDA 93.268)
- The WIC Program provides supplemental food to low-income women and children. WIC expenditures totaled approximately $80 million for the year.
- The CDC Program provides project grants for local disease prevention and control. Grants to the department include those provided under the Public Health Preparedness and Response to Bioterrorism Program. Federal expenditures for this program totaled almost $30 million.
- The childhood immunization grants provide both direct assistance (immunizations) and financial assistance to reduce and ultimately eliminate vaccine preventable diseases. Expenditures for this program totaled approximately $25.4 million, which included $20.9 million of immunization vaccines.