Report Summary
Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission
Financial Statement Audit
Financial Audit Division Report 08-25 |
Released October 16, 2008 |
- The Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission’s (commission) financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007, were presented fairly in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in all material respects.
- Generally, the commission’s internal controls for selected financial operations were adequate. However, the commission had internal control weaknesses related to the procurement of goods and services and the retirement of capital assets.
- Generally, the commission complied with the finance-related legal provisions we tested. However, the commission did not always adhere to their procurement policies.
- The commission did not consistently follow its contracting for professional services policies.
- The commission did not have adequate controls to assure that its capital asset records were accurate.
Audit Objectives and Scope
Audit Objectives:
- To give an opinion on the commission’s financial statements.
- To review internal controls over selected financial operations.
- To determine compliance with finance-related legal provisions.
Audit Period: The fiscal year ended December 31, 2007.
Areas Audited:
- Cash and Cash Equivalents
- Concessions
- Operating Expenses
- Capital Assets
- Revenues
- Payroll Expenses
The Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission is comprised of six commissioners appointed by the Minneapolis City Council and a chair appointed by the Governor. The commission operates the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome sports stadium, which was originally constructed in 1982. The commission earned approximately $48 million in revenue and spent $54 million on operations during fiscal year 2007.