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3 golden objects Minnesota Legislature

Office of the Legislative Auditor - Financial Audit Division

Report Summary
Internal Controls Over Statewide
Financial Reporting for Fiscal Year 2014


Financial Audit Division Report 15-02 Released February 19, 2015

Annually, the Department of Management and Budget prepares the State of Minnesota’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Included in that report are the state’s basic financial statements for the past fiscal year. To prepare the statements, the Department of Management and Budget uses information from a variety of sources, including information provided by other agencies. Our audit resulted in an opinion on the basic financial statements, providing assurance that the statements are fairly stated, in all material respects, in accordance with generally accepted government accounting principles.

As part of our audit, we reviewed the state’s internal controls over its financial reporting process and its compliance with legal requirements related to financial reporting. The state resolved the internal control findings related to its financial reporting process from our previous audit. 1 However, we identified some significant deficiencies in the state’s internal controls over financial reporting during the current audit. We explain those deficiencies in the following finding.


  • The departments of Management and Budget and Human Services did not have adequate internal controls to prevent or detect some errors in the financial information used to compile the financial statements, including footnote disclosures.

Audit Scope

We audited the state’s financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014. Our audit scope included many large state agencies that had financial activities significant to the financial statements.


1 Office of the Legislative Auditor’s Financial Audit Division Report 14-04, Report on Internal Control Over Statewide Financial Reporting, issued February 14, 2014.

More Information

Office of the Legislative Auditor, Room 140, 658 Cedar St., St. Paul, MN 55155 : or 651‑296‑4708