Financial Audit Division Report 16-08 | Released March 24, 2016 |
MNsure generally complied with and had controls to ensure compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants applicable to its major federal program for fiscal year 2015. However, the board had some noncompliance, as noted in the findings presented in this report.
Our scope included one federal program administered by MNsure, the State Planning and Establishment Grants for the Affordable Care Act’s Exchanges Program. The federal government describes the purpose of this program to “provide assistance for activities related to establishing a health insurance exchange that facilitates the purchase of qualified health plans, provides for the establishment of a Small Business Health Options Program . . . .” The fiscal year 2015 federal expenditures for this program totaled about $48 million.3
1 Office of the Legislative Auditor, Financial Audit Division Report 14-21, Minnesota Health Insurance Exchange: MNsure (Finding 4) issued October 28, 2014.
2 Office of the Legislative Auditor, Financial Audit Division Report 14-21, Minnesota Health Insurance Exchange: MNsure (Finding 5) issued October 28, 2014.
3 Federal grant award numbers for the State Planning and Establishment Grants for the Affordable Care Act’s Exchanges Program: 4 HBEIE120176-01-10, 4 HBEIE120177-01-11, 4 HBEIE130163-01-18, and 4 HBEIE140181-01-12.