Financial Audit Division Report 17-12 | Released November 2, 2017 |
The Office of the Attorney General is a constitutional office in the executive branch of Minnesota state government. Voters elect the Attorney General to serve four-year terms. The current Attorney General is Lori Swanson. Voters first elected Ms. Swanson in November 2006, and she was re-elected in November 2010 and November 2014.
We examined the office’s internal controls over its financial operations and its compliance with related legal requirements during the period from July 2014 through February 2017.
The Office of the Attorney General had generally adequate internal controls and generally complied with the related legal requirements we audited. The office resolved all three findings from an audit report the Office of the Legislative Auditor issued in December 2013.1 However, in this audit, we found an internal control weakness and instance of noncompliance related to employee vacation leave balances.
1 Office of the Legislative Auditor, Financial Audit Division Report 13-32, Office of the Attorney General, issued December 19, 2013.