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Office of the Legislative Auditor - Financial Audit Division

Report Summary
Department of Human Services: MinnesotaCare Eligibility


Financial Audit Division Released August 2021


We concluded that the Department of Human Services (DHS) complied with the eligibility requirements for the MinnesotaCare population included in our audit scope. DHS determined eligibility correctly for nearly all of the samples we tested, based on information it had obtained at the time of its review. However, MinnesotaCare coverage was provided to some enrollees—about 18 percent of our sample—who did not comply with reporting requirements and likely became ineligible for the program at some point during 2019 or 2020.

Legal Compliance

An image of a cascading arrow pointing to the right that has 4 smaller arrows in it. The first arrow being did not comply, followed by generally did not comply, with generally complied  followed with the complied arrow being bolded and indicating that is the level of concerns for this audit.



  • Finding 1. Some MinnesotaCare enrollees who were correctly determined eligible for the program did not later report changes in their income to DHS; these changes likely would have affected their eligibility if timely reported. (p. 11)
  • Finding 2. DHS did not accurately determine enrollee eligibility for about 1 percent of MinnesotaCare enrollees we tested. (p. 15)
  • Finding 3. Due to deficiencies in DHS information systems, DHS made overpayments for some MinnesotaCare enrollees who were no longer eligible for the program. (p. 16)

More Information

Office of the Legislative Auditor, Room 140, 658 Cedar St., St. Paul, MN 55155 : or 651‑296‑4708