Financial Audit Division | Released September 2021 |
The Vehicle Title and Registration System (VTRS) implementation project, also referred to as MNDRIVE, successfully replaced MNLARS following its first system rollout and release on November 16, 2020. Project work is nearing completion for the second major milestone, VTRS Rollout II, which implements International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) and International Registration Plan (IRP) functionality for the trucking industry. Completion of this milestone will finalize the consolidation of driver and vehicle services functionality under the unified MNDRIVE system.
As directed by the Legislature, we examined the status of the project implementation, looking at project progression that enables completing the work on time, and reviewed current and estimated expenditures to gauge if the work can be completed within budget. Additionally, we reviewed project documentation and legislative actions that may impact DPS and the project. To gain an understanding of and monitor stakeholder engagement within the project, we attended stakeholder meetings, such as the Driver and Vehicle Executive Steering Committee, interviewed key stakeholders, and reviewed stakeholder communications.1 Finally, we reviewed the status of the decommissioning of MNLARS and the other legacy systems.
DPS, MNIT, and FAST completed the first major milestone of the VTRS project on November 16, 2020, with the initial release of MNDRIVE. This first rollout was completed prior to the legislative deadline.
The project is currently on track to meet its planned second rollout date of October 4, 2021, fulfilling the Legislature’s intention to fully implement the system “by the fall of 2021.”2 However, in this report we discuss that there is little room for delay in the project timeline, should any unexpected issues arise. Given the overall success of the project and the team’s commitment to the work, we believe that this risk represents a relatively minor concern that can be largely mitigated in the month leading up to the rollout.
Our review identified one risk that currently does not have a complete mitigation strategy:
RISK 1: The project timeline for VTRS Rollout II provides little room for error or extension of the project. (p. 7)
1Laws of Minnesota 2019, First Special Session, chapter 3, art. 2, sec. 33 (d).
2Ibid, sec. 35, subd. 7.