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3 golden objects Minnesota Legislature

Office of the Legislative Auditor - Financial Audit Division

Report Summary
Minnesota Department of Human Rights
Internal Controls and Compliance Audit


Financial Audit Division Released October 2021


Internal Controls

OLA found that internal controls over the areas in our audit scope were generally adequate to ensure that the Minnesota Department of Human Rights safeguarded state resources, complied with significant finance-related legal requirements, and resolved prior audit findings.

Internal Controls

An image of a cascading arrow pointing to the right that has 4 smaller arrows in it. The first arrow being not adequate, followed by generally not adequate, a generally adequate arrow being bolded and indicating that is the level of concerns for this audit, followed by an adequate arrow.


Legal Compliance

The Minnesota Department of Human Rights generally complied with most finance-related legal requirements.

Legal Compliance

An image of a cascading arrow pointing to the right that has 4 smaller arrows in it. The first arrow being did not comply, followed by generally did not comply, with generally complied concerns being bolded and indicating that is the level of concerns for this audit, followed by a complied arrow.


However, we identified some control weaknesses and instances of noncompliance as listed in the findings section below.



 Internal Controls
Not Adequate
Did Not Comply
with Legal
Requirements and
State Policy
Finding 1. Prior Finding:  MDHR did not assign the appropriate employees access to approve timesheets.  (p. 14) YesYes
Finding 2. MDHR did not comply with applicable bargaining unit agreements and state policy when employees earned overtime pay or compensatory time.  (p. 15) YesYes
Finding 3. MDHR could not provide evidence that it reviewed a key payroll report:  the Payroll Register.  (p. 16)YesYes
Finding 4. MDHR could not provide documentation to show that it authorized and validated the accuracy of pay increases and adjustments processed by the Department of Administration’s Small Agency Resource Team (SmART).  (p. 18) YesYes
Finding 5. MDHR did not always have segregation of duties over procurement and payment or have the authorized employee approve payments.  MDHR did not document its review of a key expenditure report.  (p. 19) YesYes
Finding 6. MDHR did not maintain accurate inventory records.  (p. 21)YesYes

More Information

Office of the Legislative Auditor, Room 140, 658 Cedar St., St. Paul, MN 55155 : or 651‑296‑4708