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3 golden objects Minnesota Legislature

Office of the Legislative Auditor - Financial Audit Division

Report Summary
Military Salary Differential Pay
Internal Controls and Compliance Audit


Financial Audit Division December 2021


Internal Controls

OLA found that the internal controls developed by the Department of Management and Budget, such as the guidance and calculation worksheet, were not adequate to ensure state entities accurately and consistently determined eligibility and calculated and paid military salary differential to state employees, as required by state statute.1

Internal Controls

An image of a cascading arrow pointing to the right that has 4 smaller arrows in it. The first arrow being not adequate is bolded and indicating that is the level of concerns for this audit, followed by generally not adequate arrow, a generally adequate arrow, and lastly an adequate arrow.


Legal Compliance

OLA found that state entities did not comply with finance-related legal requirements regarding the eligibility, calculation, and payment of military salary differential to state employees.

Legal Compliance

An image of a cascading arrow pointing to the right that has 4 smaller arrows in it. The first arrow being did not comply being bolded and indicating that is the level of concerns for this audit, followed by generally did not comply, with generally complied, followed by a complied arrow.



 Internal Controls
Not Adequate
Did Not Comply
with Legal
Requirements and
State Policy
Finding 1. The Department of Management and Budget did not provide adequate guidance to state entities to ensure consistent and accurate eligibility determination, calculation, and payment of military salary differential to state employees. (p. 10) YesYes
Finding 2. The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) does not directly classify personally identifiable information (such as names and employee identification numbers) of state employees as confidential or private data when associated with military service. (p. 16) NoYes

1 Minnesota Statutes 2021, 43A.183, subd. 5

More Information

Office of the Legislative Auditor, Room 140, 658 Cedar St., St. Paul, MN 55155 : or 651‑296‑4708